Speak Like a Leader Bootcamp Self Paced Course
Fully Express Your Unique Voice and Make a Real Difference in the World!
To Generate Trust, Loyalty, and Be the Leader Others Respect and Want to Follow
This program is for leaders, influencers, difference makers, speakers, executives, and anyone who understands that the difference they can make starts with the quality of their communication.
You're on stage, and people are breathless. They're leaning in and hanging on your every word. Your initial fear has turned to excitement, and you're fully present at the moment. The air crackles with electricity as the audience embraces your ideas. And now, as you say "thank you," the audience leaps to their feet as one. The applause is deafening. You did it. You did the work, and you have become the person you want to be. People are already lining up to talk to you. Congratulations! You have consciously generated trust, loyalty, and you showed up as the Leader Others Respect and Want to Follow
To deliver a TED-like talk demands something of you. And, to do it the way it is meant to be done turns out to be one of the best leadership and life exercises that you could ever do. Whether you want to give a TED talk or not, these skills are essential to great leadership, great communication, and greater success in all you do.
Over the last decade, as one of the most prolific TED-format coaches in the world, I have focused on the elements of the TED-format with a focus on what will make you more successful as a leader, and influencer. As in all important communication, to succeed with the 18-minute - or less, free-form, TED-talk format demands a very special blend of characteristics. Creating a TED-like talk that truly works and which is done the way it is meant to be done requires the same things that great leadership communications requires:
- Succinct - A TED-like talk is 18 minutes or less and the ability to be succinct is like gold! Your talk needs to be well crafted and rhetorically sharp. You’ll need a technical understanding of narrative flow, language, rhetoric, communication, and emotional connection to really land it.
- Vulnerable - You can’t just share how awesome you are, succeeding here takes Insightful Vulnerability™. To truly deliver you must have faced, and faced down, your demons and be able to acknowledge the role they have played in honing you and your ideas.
- Personal - Your message, your leadership, and your contribution is inextricably tied to your own journey and mission; who you are. That requires you to genuinely know and embrace your origin story - which must be well chosen, well crafted, and well delivered - your journey, and your personal connection to all of this.
- Authentic - Your talk must be fully aligned with your values, your principles and be delivered in your own personal style. This is a real opportunity to bring beginner's-mind to yourself and dig deep into who you are, what you stand for, and what matters to you. Even if you believe you already know, it will require something of you.
- Ultra-CLEAR - Finally, to succeed, you must be focused and unequivocal. You will have to wrestle with yourself and clarify what TED calls your "one idea worth spreading." What changes do you want to affect in the world, and why is that so important to you?
It’s an amazing journey. And when you are skilled at these things, your communication will be dramatically more effective. You will need well-chosen, well-crafted, and well-delivered stories that flesh out your talk and illuminate your vision.
Is This Course For You?
This is a self-paced, 12 unit course that will transform your communication, your leadership presence, and your ability to influence and it takes approximately 4 hours to complete. It includes excellent support material which will guide you through the program and the process. In these short, pithy videos, you will be introduced to principles that are immediately actionable, inherently memorable, and which are easily applied to your unique style of speaking.
You will develop your Origin Story - to connect emotionally and captivate your audience. And the program will give you a proven structure to craft your entire message so it lands powerfully and allows your listeners to connect with you and even become Heroes in your story - a proven key to success.
This is one of the most transformative journeys you could take as a leader, executive, influencer, and anyone who is out to make a real difference in the world and who understands that the quality of their leadership is directly proportional to the quality of their communication.
As a bonus, you’ll also be invited to regular Ask Me Anything calls (happening monthly, times and dates TBD and which will vary to serve global time zones) where you can be supported. You will be able to connect with other committed leaders in our community (launching January 2023). John Bates' purpose is to Make a Difference For the People Who Are Making a Difference in the World. Are you one of them? We invite you to join our community of leaders who are committed to Transforming the World.
Don't overthink it - if this sounds like you, answer the call and register now. If you'd like to know more, please read on! And if you'd like to talk with someone directly, schedule a call with us here..
Get started now!
Have Your Communication be as Mighty as Your Ideas
Have you ever seen someone on a leadership path who had brilliant ideas, great insights, tremendous knowledge and understanding but who could not communicate them effectively to others? How did it go for them? What if their communication and leadership abilities had been a match for their great ideas? In this course, you will get the keys to what will seem to others magical success in communication, leadership and influence.
This course will dramatically uplift your public speaking, but that's not all! Whether you are an already famous public speaker, someone who is still avoiding the stage, a high-level global executive, a small business owner, someone who only speaks occasionally on the stage, or simply someone who would like to be more effective and influential no matter what you do, this course is for you.
John Bates’ WHY is to bring out what is awesome inside every person so it can live in the world and make a real difference! Let him support you.
Top leaders from all over the world at organizations including Johnson & Johnson, AirLiquide, NASA - including the active Astronauts, Boston Scientific, Navy Special Operations, Accenture and from more than 35+ TED & TEDx events call John Bates the top Leadership Communication coach and trainer working today. John is a Leadership Communication expert, #1 best selling author & Executive Whisperer whose large and small group training, keynote speeches and 1:1 executive coaching is world renown.
In this fast-paced, fun and informative course you will learn that "Communicating with Human Beings is not logical... It's Biological!" The practical benefits of the principles you will receive are the reason that leaders bring John back, over and over, to the organizations he serves. You can have a powerful vision, you can implement brilliant strategies, and bring them to your people, but if you don't understand the underlying principles of the neurobiology of effective influence your implementation will never, ever be as good as it could be.
As a committed Professional in the day-to-day running of your organization or team you have a vision. How well you communicate that vision; your emotional intelligence and influence ability, are the number one predictor of your success. Period.
You will finish this inspiring course with a new understanding of the fundamentals of the neurobiology of effectively communicating with those you manage, your peers, and even how to effectively manage upward in your organization for the outcomes that you most want to achieve.
As an added bonus you will learn the 3 ways to Inspire "Any Audience, Anywhere, Anytime" and become reliably inspirational.
Sound too good to be true? Ask the many professionals who have engaged John Bates; the NASA astronauts, the C - level executives and the many, many men and women who have joined John and experienced his eye-opening approach, the practical, immediately usable, and very memorable principles he shares that have irrevocably transformed their lives. They say, emphatically, “John is the best presenter I have ever seen and his teachings have changed my life.”
Topics covered include:
- the neurobiology of influence
- the paleomammalian brain vs. the neocortex
- mirror neurons and the surprising impact they have on everything you say and how it is received
- the power of story and why it is your most powerful ally in the world of influence - even with the most logical of audiences
- how to bring out the absolute best in those below you, beside you and above you - proven by science and tremendously effective
- the most important thing you could ever do to be an effective presenter, speaker leader and influencer and its basis in the science of non-verbal communication - this the only thing you really need to radically amplify your executive presence and turbocharge your results
- the 3 ways to inspire any audience, anywhere, anytime - imagine if you could do that reliably all of the time, how to turn a complainer into a committed change agent in your organization by effectively listening in a way that is alien to most people
These principles are immediately actionable, inherently memorable and are easily applied to your unique style of speaking, managing and leading.
If being influential is important to you and your goals, this course will be one of the best you ever attend. Bring your notebook, beginner's mind and your most important goals and objectives and leave inspired and ready to take action!
Personally, we think that if you've read this far you are someone we want to meet. Trust your feelings. If this sounds like you answer the call and register now. If you'd like to know more, please read on! And, if you'd like to talk with someone directly, schedule a call with us here.
Speak like a Leader!
Great leadership is a function of great communication and communicating with human beings is not logical... it's biological. In this course you will discover the secret, tremendously powerful, principles of communication based in human evolutionary biology and neurophysiology; the biology of communication. This course has changed thousands of lives and is lauded by top leaders from all over the globe. Welcome. We look forward to turbocharging your success.
Enroll now
Here are just a few of John's 5 Star Reviews.
That knowledge from John has completely changed how I present today…and we got great feedback after the talk. So, it’s working!

“It was a tremendous pleasure to work with John Bates on my TED Talk. I went back in time to my upbringing in Sweden and the troubled relationship I had with my father. The segment we did ‘On Healing and Forgiveness’ was a very special experience for me. With John’s help I also seem to have touched others. The Youtube version, where I show a more vulnerable side of myself than in my films has had over a million views and counting. The other week an LAPD officer came up to me, shook my hand and said: “I like your movies, but I loved your TED Talk more.” There was a soft glint in his eye that revealed an upbringing not very different than my own. I learned so much from John and anytime I face a challenging speaking situation I certainly know whom to call.”

Actor, Anti Human Trafficking Activist
….you have really tapped into the neuroscience and the neurobiology of who we are and how we communicate and how people persuade people and so forth. I was very impressed... So, I’d take time to work with John, to check out his work. He’s quite an amazing guy and he can help you be more amazing too.

Author, featured teacher in the movie The Secret.
John Bates understands communication on a very deep level. He knows how much importance it plays in being someone who has credibility and respect in the way that you want to convey your ideas.

John, I can’t thank you enough for working with us here at NASA. You were so engaging and gave my team great tools and inspiration to take our communications to the next level. We look forward to continuing our relationship.

Communications Manager
For more testimonials visit John's Linkedin page and scroll down to Recommendations: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnbates/
Your Instructor
Hello, I’m John Bates…
In 2010 I totally, utterly blew my first talk from the TED stage. I had been a public speaker for most of my life, but the TED format was something very different, and I blew it! I still get a stomach ache when I think about it.
However, that experience launched my quest to understand and master the TED format. And, thankfully, I got another chance and have now spoken at the TED conference several times and have spoken at many TEDx conferences, as well. It has been over a decade since I humiliated myself, and I am now one of the world’s most successful and prolific TED Format coaches. I’ve trained speakers for over 35 TEDx events and leaders at organizations like Johnson & Johnson, Boston Scientific, NASA - including the active astronauts, Navy Special Operations, and many, many more.
Now, I want to share all of my secrets, hard-earned lessons, and insider knowledge with you. I never want you to feel the humiliation I felt. Instead, I want you to walk offstage elated!
This course has transformed the trajectory of many individual speeches and the trajectory of entire lives for hundreds and hundreds of Executives, Leaders, Entrepreneurs, and Change-Makers - just like you - from all over the world.
So whether you’re raising money, leading a team or an entire company, or out to start a movement, excellent communication and mastering the TED Format will make you vastly more successful at everything you do.
Course Curriculum
StartIntroduction (3:53)
StartBe Coachable (2:19)
StartSet Yourself up for Success!
StartCommunication (4:27)
StartCreate Yourself & Your Audience (1:57)
StartThe Drill Instructor For Your Greatness (3:18)
StartExercise: Creating Yourself & Your Audience
StartHow to Create a Great Speech Without Suffering
Frequently Asked Questions
John Bates here. I want you to know that this course if for you if you answer an emphatic YES to this question: Are you committed to making a difference?
If you are, the rest will work out, no matter where you are in the hierarchy of your organization, in your Hero's journey, or in your speaking and leadership ability.
If you are truly committed to making a difference then I am truly committed to you. This course will make a real and LIFELONG difference for you in your career, and everywhere.
And, in my life, I've found that the most bitter regrets I have are not the things I did; they are the things I didn't do.
So, I invite you to answer the call. Go for it. Join us.